Natural... Holistic... Beautiful...

Biological Hygiene Care

Biological Dental Hygiene Mayfield Village - Young Girls on the beach Many people are not aware of the real importance of consistent professional dental visits. Some may think it is simply a tactic to keep a patient coming in for services. In actuality, these appointments allow Cleveland Center for Integrative Dentistry to serve patients through education, beginning with explaining the value of biological hygiene care. These dental visits are similar in nature to scheduled dental hygiene visits at other practices, but with the added dimension of a bio-friendly approach. This term refers to choosing products and services that contribute most effectively to the overall health of patients, rather than solely for treatment of a dental condition.

Our hygienist is educated and prepared to support patients in their quest for overall body wellness. Patients receive services personalized to their individual needs and expectations. Referrals may be made to other holistic providers, such as a nutritionist or acupuncturist, if deemed in the patient’s best interest. Our goal is ultimately the patient’s health. We carefully evaluate the need at hand, and develop a treatment plan to help a patient reach the end goal, using the latest technologies and innovative, safe treatments.

When being cared for at CCID, patients are assured that only products which integrate well with the body’s natural design and makeup are used in dental treatments. Our patients receive high-quality care, from a dentist with knowledge and understanding regarding the treatment of diseases as they relate to oral health. Being aware of what is at work against the patient’s oral health is important. This may involve evaluation of bacteria present in the mouth, noticing early warning signs of gum disease, or perhaps spotting oral cancer signals. Here is where the role of the hygienist is so vital. As the mouth is the gateway for essentially the entire body, any concerns left untreated may contribute to other health risks throughout a patient’s body, including stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Call CCID to become a patient and begin enjoying the benefits of this unique type of dental care that contributes to whole body wellness. Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to prevention and early detection of oral issues, for prompt, effective treatment and healthy outcomes. When you consider the role that biological hygiene care plays in your total wellness, you will look forward to check-up appointments.

Contact Us

(216) 777-8844
845 Som Center Road
Mayfield Village, OH 44143
Tooth Chart

What Our Patients Say

I am so happy I found this center! I started seeing Dr. Pastouk in September 2016. I am a patient at Cle Clinic functional medicine and was referred to him through my doctor, Dr. Bergman. I have been chronically sick with mold toxicity and CIRS (inflammatory response syndrome) and have had severe head/facial/ear/lymph node pain for about 3 years. Dr. Pastouk recommended we try ozone therapy in my sinuses to help relieve the pain/to alleviate tmj pain and after the first treatment I could already feel an incredible relief in my ears. The crackling and pain has subsided and I have less food sensitivities. No treatment has helped in the past until ozone!! I am so hopeful and finally feel like I am healing. Dr. Pastouk and his team are incredibly caring and inviting and I am so pleased with the care I've been given! He spends a lot of time with his patients and really wants to see them well. I highly recommend a consult with him!
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